Janne Vereijken Henri Winkelman

31 mei 2019

Henri Winkelman Award

Woensdag 29 mei 2019 was de uitreiking van de Henri Winkelman Award waarvan Janne Vereijken jurylid is. Felicitaties aan de winnaars Stacii Samidin en Seb Agresti!


On Wednesday, May 29, 2019, the Foundation Ondernemersbelangen Rotterdam has awarded the Henri Winkelman Award to the young entrepreneurial creatives for the seventh time. The Award Night, organised by Willem de Kooning Academy, has become an evening full of creative, innovative entrepreneurship, inspiration and cooperation. The Henri Winkelman Award is an incentive prize for young enterprising artists and designers in Rotterdam, alumni of the Willem de Kooning Academy and consists of an award of € 10.000 and this year, for the first time, the second prize of € 5.000.

Henri Winkelman Award 2019 // and the winners are…


Visual Anthropologist Stacii Samidin // Photography, Autonomous Practices 2014 // goes home with the First Award. Stacii is working on an ongoing project, where he makes the hidden worlds visible. Stacii invests everything he has to make the journeys he simply must make possible. His work has his full devotion and he is able to generate a good income from it. He will invest this award in the realisation of his dream: setting up his own gallery in Rotterdam to share his photography and vision of society with us.


Illustrator Seb Agresti // Illustration, Social Practices 2015 // receives the Second Award. Seb creates images for contemporary topics. He boasts a breathtaking list of customers: The New Yorker, New York Times, NBC News, WHO SEE, See All This Magazine, Google, Apple, Monocle Magazine and de Volkskrant. Seb Agresti wants to use this prize money to pay for an international residence in Japan where he plans to learn new techniques that are taught exclusively there.


Photography: Bas Czerwinski