By Janne Vereijken
Last week I gave my keynote ‘Innovation Leadership – how to boost innovation’ at a global virtual leadership programme of a big chemical corporate.
I was happy to share my vision and experience with 900 people all over the world. It was great to interact with the audience by answering their interesting questions and receive comments. The event was hosted two times to accomodate different time zones.
I gave the audience 8 ways to influence individual, team and organizational creativity in order to make innovation happen.
Smashing production by FX Agency!
Ook een inspirerende dagvoorzitter of spreker nodig?
Check de keynotes van Janne Vereijken.
Spring Company vergroot de innovatiekracht van teams en organisaties met praktische workshops, masterclasses en opleidingen over diverse innovatiemethoden, innovatiemanagement en -leiderschap.
Lees meer over:
- de all-round Innovatie Opleiding: het beste van alle methoden
- de speciale Masterclass Marktonderzoek voor Innovatie
- de omvangrijke Masterclass Innovatiemanagement
- de hands-on Masterclass Innovatief Leiderschap
- onze workshops, masterclasses en opleiding over Design Thinking
- maatwerk training over andere innovatie-onderwerpen