16 februari 2015

Philips Innovation Award 2015

Op 21 mei vond de finale van de Philips Innovation Award  2015 plaats. Spring Company feliciteert winnaar Pearltect! Janne Vereijken nam deel aan het business panel van de Philips Innovation Award 2015
The Philips Innovation Award is a platform that helps all participating students to successfully transform their idea into a successful start-up. The Award is worth €50.000 and gives every idea or start-up a kick-start towards success. It consists of cash, international plane tickets, assistance in registering patents, creative services, and more!

The Business Panel supports our participants in transforming their innovative idea into a succesful start-up by giving personal and constructive feedback in the Developing Stage. They will also attend the Announcement Day and other events to further stimulate our participants. All members of the Business Panel have signed a Confidentiality Agreement.