30 april 2019

Design Sprint NutriOpt

Advanced technologies for more accurate nutritional management


The growing complexity and competitiveness of the food industry means that suppliers are faced with increasingly complicated operational challenges.

A key focus area is feed costs, which can account for as much as 70% of the overall production budget. When industry conditions are as changeable and unpredictable as they are today, every feed-related decision you make can have a significant impact on your profit margin.

That’s why Trouw Nutrition has developed NutriOpt® – a modular precision-feeding system made up of proven components that offer the latest nutritional science data and technology. When used together, these components make it possible to fine-tune your feeding strategy with high accuracy. They precisely calculate the most economically efficient approach under current market conditions that will give you the optimal results you want.


Design Sprint 


In samenwerking met Strategy Cooker heeft Spring Company een tweedaagse designsprint gefaciliteerd bij het NutriOpt team van TrouwNutrition. NutriOpt past geavanceerde technologieën toe voor accuraat voedingsmanagement.

Onder begeleiding van Janne Vereijken hebben zes teams in een tweedaagse pressure cooker gewerkt aan nieuwe innovatieve oplossingen om boeren te ondersteunen in verschillende aspecten van hun business. Aan het einde van de sprint zijn de oplossingen gepitcht aan de CEO en Innovation Director van TrouwNutrition.


“Janne has helped us to bring our newly formed multidisciplinary department. Central theme during the 3 days meeting was the customer centric approach, guided by the design thinking principles. Janne has an energetic personality who tailors her approach completely to her customer. In preparation there are several sessions in which she makes sure she gets a proper understanding of the organization and the team as such after which a program is build together. Janne is the ideal moderator to bring a team together but also to introduce a new methodology or way of working. I have enjoyed working with her.” – Andre Brand, directeur NutriOpt


Hacken voor de rechtsstaat 

Hacken voor de rechtsstaat 

Spring Company is mede-organisator van de Staatscommissie Rechtstaat Hackathon. Janne Vereijken, was als lead...